NOTE: Excludes Tech Reports.
Allen Malony, Sameer Shende, Wyatt Spear, CheeWai Lee, and Scott Biersdorff . Advances in the TAU Performance System. In Tools for High Performance Computing 2011, pages 119-130. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.
Wyatt Spear, Allen D. Malony, Chee Wai Lee, Scott Biersdorff and Sameer Shende. An Approach to Creating Performance Visualizations in a Parallel Profile Analysis Tool. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Euro-Par 2011: Parallel Processing Workshops, 7156:156-165, 2012.
[IEEE Xplore]
Scott Biersdorff, Chee Wai Lee, Allen D. Malony and Laximkant V. Kalé. Integrated Performance Views in Charm++: Projections Meets TAU. In The 38th International Conference On Parallel Processing (ICPP-2009), Vienna, Austria, September 22-25, 2009.
Filippo Gioachin, Chee Wai Lee and Laxmikant V. Kalé. Scalable Interaction with Parallel Applications. In Proceedings of TeraGrid'09, Arlington, VA, June 22-25, 2009.
[IEEE Xplore]
Chao Huang, Chee Wai Lee and Laxmikant V. Kalé. Support for Adaptivity in ARMCI Using Migratable Objects. In Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2006. IPDPS 2006. 20th International, pages 9 pp., April 2006.
Chee Wai Lee. Techniques in Scalable and Effective Parallel Performance Analysis, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, December 2009.
Masters Thesis:
Chee Wai Lee. A BaLinda Runtime for Java, Department of Computer Science, School of Computing, National University of Singapore, 2000.
Xingfu Wu, Hung-Ching Chang, Shirley Moore, Valerie Taylor, Chun-Yi Su,
Dan Terpstra, Charles Lively, Kirk Cameron, and Chee Wai Lee. 2013.
MuMMI: multiple metrics modeling infrastructure for exploring
performance and power modeling. In Proceedings of the Conference on Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment: Gateway to Discovery
(XSEDE '13). ACM, New York, NY, USA, , Article 36 , 8 pages.
Shirley Moore, Emil Briggs, Miroslav Hodak, Wenchang Lu, Jerry Bernholc and Chee-Wai Lee. Scaling the RMG quantum mechanics code. In Proceedings of the Extreme Scaling Workshop, 8:1-6, 2012. []Allen Malony, Sameer Shende, Wyatt Spear, CheeWai Lee, and Scott Biersdorff . Advances in the TAU Performance System. In Tools for High Performance Computing 2011, pages 119-130. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.
Wyatt Spear, Allen D. Malony, Chee Wai Lee, Scott Biersdorff and Sameer Shende. An Approach to Creating Performance Visualizations in a Parallel Profile Analysis Tool. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Euro-Par 2011: Parallel Processing Workshops, 7156:156-165, 2012.
Chee Wai Lee, Allen D. Malony and Alan Morris. TAUmon: Scalable Online Performance Data Analysis in TAU. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Euro-Par 2010 Parallel Processing Workshops, 6586:493-499, 2011.[]
Isaac Dooley, Chee Wai Lee and Laxmikant V. Kalé. Continuous Performance Monitoring for Large-Scale Parallel Applications. In International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC 2009), Kochi (Cochin), India, December 2009.[IEEE Xplore]
Scott Biersdorff, Chee Wai Lee, Allen D. Malony and Laximkant V. Kalé. Integrated Performance Views in Charm++: Projections Meets TAU. In The 38th International Conference On Parallel Processing (ICPP-2009), Vienna, Austria, September 22-25, 2009.
Filippo Gioachin, Chee Wai Lee and Laxmikant V. Kalé. Scalable Interaction with Parallel Applications. In Proceedings of TeraGrid'09, Arlington, VA, June 22-25, 2009.
Chee Wai Lee, Celso Mendes and Laxmikant V. Kalé. Towards Scalable Performance Analysis and Visualization through Data Reduction. In 13th International Workshop on High-Level Parallel Programming Models and Supportive Environments, Miami, Florida, USA, April 2008.[IEEE Xplore]
Laxmikant V. Kale, Gengbin Zheng, Chee Wai Lee and Sameer Kumar. Scaling Applications to Massively Parallel Machines Using Projections Performance Analysis Tool. Future Generation Computer Systems Special Issue on: Large-Scale System Performance Modeling and Analysis, 22(3):347-358, February 2006.[]
Chao Huang, Chee Wai Lee and Laxmikant V. Kalé. Support for Adaptivity in ARMCI Using Migratable Objects. In Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2006. IPDPS 2006. 20th International, pages 9 pp., April 2006.
Laxmikant V. Kalé and Sameer Kumar and Gengbin Zheng and Chee Wai Lee. Scaling Molecular Dynamics to 3000 Processors with Projections: A Performance Analysis Case Study. In Terascale Performance Analysis Workshop, International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS), Melbourne, Australia, June 2003.[]
Phd Thesis:Chee Wai Lee. Techniques in Scalable and Effective Parallel Performance Analysis, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, December 2009.
Masters Thesis:
Chee Wai Lee. A BaLinda Runtime for Java, Department of Computer Science, School of Computing, National University of Singapore, 2000.
Book Chapter:
Filippo Gioachin, Chee Wai Lee, Jonathan Li ander, Yanhua Sun, and Laxmikant Kal e. Parallel Science and Engineering Applications: The Charm++ Approach (Series in Computational Physics), chapter Tools for Debugging and Performance Analysis, 2013.